17 July 02 August 2025

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Having spent the last forty years of summer holidays at Jarnac and being a producer of plays in Paris for many years, Pierre Bonnier had been pondering how he might link these two privileges. How to build a bridge between these two worlds, how to bring to life the richness of the Charentais heritage and the diversity of the French repertory theatre? Answer: Les 3 Coups de Jarnac.

Charentais heritage and French repertory theatre

All that remained was to write a novel on the adventures that followed … But the project needed time to mature, to be polished, to age and to find the right moment and the right people to start the process. But let’s not forget, we’re in Charente …
The creation of the Festival in the summer of 2020 was rather like a storybook with multiple uncertainties rivalling the zeal of the protagonists.
Its success was heartening both in terms of quality and the variety of spectacles. The public required him to carry on again for the next summer!

Actors encharentés

As for the performers, happy to be on stage, they left Jarnac in the words of Stéphanie Tesson “encharentés” … (a play on words!)

Retour sur l’Acte IV des 3 Coups de Jarnac

A travelling programme

The programme of shows put on in several communes around Cognac is mouth-watering! In fact, the aim was to demonstrate that the theatre could be accessible, affordable and attractive at the same time. The festival took place at Jarnac, Bassac, Cognac, Segonzac, Châteauneuf-sur-Charente …

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