31 August 26 September 2024

Between €18 and €25

Festi Classique in Cognac was born from a desire to marry two excellences – Music and Cognac.

Festi Classique is a festival that present a programme dedicated to artists of the highest level and potentially to young prize-winners of international competitions. The aim of the festival is to discover the most brilliant talents of the classical music world (piano, violin, cello, song, harp, flute, guitar, trumpet, trombone etc) against a backdrop of the most prestigious cognacs produced from the surrounding vineyards.

Festival de musique classique à Cognac et JArnac avec pour invités en 2024, le pianiste David Kadouch et la violoniste Marie-Claudine Papadopoulos

Thus, from chromatic notes to aromatic notes, each concert brings to the fore our values of excellence, prestige and beauty.
Each concert is followed by a convivial moment during which the musicians mingle with their public.


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