The essacs of Saint-Simeux with Paul Frémont
Brought up in Saint-Simeux, Paul Frémont lives in a former watermill, the family home, on the Charente. Thus he is in daily contact with the site and keeps a close eye on Les Essacs, an ideal spot for reconnecting with a very rich flora and fauna. Les Essacs de Saint-Simeux association Destination Cognac : When…
Discover Saint-Même-les-Carrières with Laurence Carbonel
She’s one of those untiring kingpins of Saint-Même Heritage who gives guided tours of the village every Sunday. That’s why Evelyne wanted to know more about Laurence Carbonel to create this portrait ! The stone from Saint-Même-les-Carrières have been used in the Cordouan lighthouse and the Château Frontenac in Quebec My life journey I was…
Robert’s childhood memories
Robert, who lives at Roissac, was a primary school teacher and is actively involved in community life, talks about his love for Grande Champagne and especially about his village through the life of his family and his childhood memories.
François 1st, king of France
He wasn’t destined to become king but a series of circumstances changed everything... François de Valois was born on 12th September 1494 in the family château of Cognac. His father was Charles, Count of Orléans and his mother Louise of Savoy. The first few years were spent in Cognac with his mother, his sister Marguerite…